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​​​ currently enrolling subjects for

You may be tired of hearing about COVID19. But cases are rising. If you or
​someone you know is unvaccinated, consider the Eagle Study: Novavax is testing a traditional, protein-based (non-mRNA) vaccine, updated for Fall 2023. Learn more at NovavaxEagleStudy.com.

About the Novavax "Eagle" Study:

Since early 2020, millions of people throughout the world have experienced COVID-19, many of whom had mild-to-severe symptoms.

Since then, we have learned that preventing infections is the key to minimizing the long-term effects of the illness. We are inviting you to take part in a research study for people who have
never received a vaccination against COVID-19. The Eagle Study is assessing an investigational vaccine that that is designed to protect against a more recent variant of the COVID-19 virus and in people who have not previously received a COVID-19 vaccine to potentially prevent future COVID-19 infections.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are over the age of 18
  • Have never received a COVID-19 vaccination
  • Have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past year


  • Have had COVID-like symptoms in the past year

* As a study participant, all study-related care will be provided at no cost to you including the investigational COVID-19 vaccination. Volunteers will be compensated for their time.

​​​Interested in participating in a Covid-19 Vaccine study for Adults 18 and Up?

1. Complete the interest form
2. Call 972-746-2222 for further details

Do you have adolescent-aged children 12 thru 17 years of age?
Visit that Page Here.

Are you 50 or Over?
Visit that Page Here.

http://www.researchyourhealth.com/contact-us.html UA-62491137-11